Скачать Preview for Developers или обновление Windows Phone.

Starting today, you can update your personal dev phone(s) to run Windows Phone 8.1 using the . Along with the tooling delivered in Visual Studio 2013 Update 2 RC , developers can now get everything they need to start building and testing Windows Phone apps and . Even better, Windows Phone Store is also starting to accept app submissions and to enable app linking today - enabling you to bring the universal Windows app experience to your beta users and consumers.

To update your Windows Phone 8 device to 8.1, you will need to download the app and opt into the program (the process is outlined on the Windows Phone Dev Center); if your phone is already opted in, then all you should need to do is head over to your phone’s settings and check for an update.

Windows Phone Preview for Developers program

Start your app engines!

With today’s release, you now have everything you need to get started building for Windows Phone 8.1: the tools are live , you can update your phone , and we have a ton of great Build session content available to help you get started. If you haven’t already, I highly recommend you head over to the Download Center and install the new Visual Studio update tooling.

To help you cross the last mile getting your apps published to Windows Phone 8.1, the Store is now open to link and publish your apps, and Windows is sponsoring over 60 //publish/ events hosted around the globe next month. The //publish/ events will be a great opportunity to be part of the global WPDev community, as well as get some last minute advice on your phone and universal Windows app(s). If you haven’t already registered for a local //publish/ event, check out the //publish/ website and find the one closest to you.

We’re excited to see what you’re going to build with all the new goodness that’s in the Windows Phone 8.1 release; feel free to chime in below or using the #wpdev hashtag on Twitter to share your thoughts with the community.

В начале месяца компания Microsoft анонсировала Windows Phone 8.1 и вот сегодня появилась возможность скачать обновления Windows Phone на свой смартфон. Пока официального обновления на телефон еще нет, мы можем скачать Preview for Developers для Windows Phone 8 и использовать это приложения для установки обновы.

Программа Preview for Developers позволяет установить обновления Windows Phone 8.1, не дожидаясь официального распространения. Для того чтобы установить обновления Windows Phone 8.1 вам необходимо иметь на смартфоне не менее 1 ГБ свободного пространства. Каждый желающий обновится с помощью Preview for Developers, может это сделать без всяких трудностей. Некоторые из пользователей могут задаться вопросом, будет ли с телефоном, обновленным через эту программу, все в порядке. Но ответ здесь единственный – с вашим девайсом будет все хорошо. Даже вся информация на телефоне, все игры, фотографии и музыка останутся не тронутыми. И последнее, обновления с программой Preview for Developers ничем не отличается от официального обновления.

И так, убедитесь, что на телефоне есть интернет. Если есть, тогда войдите на сайт Windows Phone App Studio , под учетной записью Microsoft, разрешите её использование и примите соглашение. Затем необходимо скачать и установить программу Preview for Developers. Пойдет она только на смартфонах Windows Phone 8.0. Далее нужно открыть программу и нажать кнопку «Next». Принимаем соглашения (кнопка «Accept»). При необходимости еще раз вводим учетную запись от Microsoft. Затем ставим галочку на «Enable Preview for Developers» и нажимаем «done». Если сделано все верно появляется надпись «Success!», что означает успех. Теперь можно установить обновления. Для проверки наличия обновления, переходим в «Настройки», кликаем «Обновление телефона» и нажимаем «Проверить наличие обновлений».

Скачать Preview for Developers для Windows Phone 8 можно чуть ниже.

Название: Preview for Developers
Платформа: WP8 WP8.1
Разработчик: Microsoft
Размер: 1 МБ
Цена: бесплатно
Что это такое?

updated July 29, 2018

The day is approaching: Android P is about to leave its beta phase. Google has just released the fifth and last version for developers of the new edition of the system, corresponding to the fourth public beta. From today, users of Google Pixel can now download to install this update.

The previous beta already brought with it a series of interesting new features and improvements, which we were able to test thoroughly at the time. Now, this last one, considered as the candidate version for final tests, brings all the definitive changes that we will see -and we will test thoroughly, of course- in the final update that we will see next August.

Android P, about to leave beta: the fifth and last Developer Preview is now available

So far, Google has not released the update through OTA, and therefore to perform the installation will have to resort to the factory images, or proceed to the manual installation of the OTA. However, those more patients can wait for the new version to begin its deployment through the air.

Since it is the last beta version, we do not find many new features at the interface or functionalities level, and most changes are limited to performance improvements and bug fixes. The options related to the Digital Wellbeing initiative such as the Android Dashboard that shows the time of use of the applications by the user is also not available. These developments will be available, most likely, along with the future version Android 9.1, which would come to accompany the Pixel 3 and Pixel 3 XL. According to Google, the behavior of this edition should be practically the same as we will see in the official update that will come later.

Today"s Beta 4 update is a candidate version with final system behaviors and includes the official APIs of Android P (API level 28), available from Beta 2. It includes everything you need to complete your tests in time for the next official version from Android P. - Dave Burke, Vice President of Android Engineering.

As in the previous Android P updates, this new version is only compatible with Pixel and Pixel XL, and Pixel 2 and Pixel 2 XL. Later, the Google partner manufacturers will offer this same version to the rest of phones compatible with Android P.

Check Out the Video What"s New on Android P beta 4

Download Android 9.0 P Developer Preview 5

  • Pixel - Factory image - OTA
  • Pixel XL - Factory image - OTA
  • Pixel 2 - Factory image - OTA
  • Pixel 2 XL - Factory image - OTA

The final version will arrive in August

If we take as reference the official calendar of Android P, and the release date of Android 8.0 Oreo at the time, it is very likely that the month of August is chosen by Google for the launch of the final update of Android 9.0. At that time, in addition, we will finally know the candy that will give its name to this version of the system.

Update | Only a few hours after the publication of the factory images and OTA packages, Google has begun the release of the update through the air, which is already beginning to reach the Pixel and Pixel 2.

Along with Google Pixel"s lineup devices, some below-listed mobile are also like to get this update but currently, these devices are in waiting for OEMs.

Xiaomi Mi Mix 2S

Main Highlights

  • API level 28
  • Date: July 2018
  • Build: PPP5.180610.010
  • Emulator support: x86 & ARM (32/64-bit)
  • Security patch level: July 2018
  • Google Play services: 12.4.46

How To Install Android P Developer Preview (DP5) Factory Images

Here is a brief guide to help you flash these factory images that bear the latest Android P developer preview. Well, before installing,


  • These alpha build of Android P factory images are exclusively for developers to develop Apps and report bugs.
  • It is not wise to flash these factory images for purpose of daily use.
  • This build of Android P developer preview may be full of bugs.
  • If you are not a developer it"s better not to flash these factory images.
  • If you are flashing these factory images you require to

Update: Final Android P Developer Preview 5, a.k.a. Beta 4, is now available for download. The factory Images are also available for download. See how to flash the Android P Factory Images without wiping data. You can also enroll into OTA Beta program. Here is the official Android Developers Blog featuring the changes.

Android P 9.0 is the latest and by far the greatest update in the history of Android operating system. Introduced in the Google I/O 2018, it brings several AI features to the smartphones. It introduced new user interface, better AI support, improved battery life, and much more. It also features DNS over TLS support, introduced Google Lens, and upcoming feature called voice for Assistant will also be present in Android 9.0 P. So download and install the third iteration of the Android P Beta 3 called Developer Preview 4 for all Google Pixel devices and more.

Android P Beta 4 comes with new firmware build number ppp5.180610.010 . It also brings new APIs for developers for deploying the Android P supported apps on the Play Store. The Android SDK has also been upgraded to SDK 28. You may also like to see the release notes listed in the sources for known bugs.

Android P Beta 3, also known as, Developer Preview 4 is already available for download since the beginning of this month with latest July 2018 Security Patch and a new Dark Theme; which is not automatic. You can read about the Android P DP 4 from .

Watch the video of Android P Dark Theme:

The Android P Beta 4 will get to the following devices soon:

  • Essential Phone
  • Google Pixel 2
  • Google Pixel 2 XL
  • Google Pixel
  • Google Pixel XL
  • Nokia 7 plus
  • OnePlus 6
  • Oppo R15 Pro
  • Sony Xperia XZ2
  • Vivo X21UD
  • Vivo X21
  • Xiaomi Mi Mix 2S

How to install Android P Beta 4 (DP 5) Factory Images without wiping data?

Method 1: You can get Android P Beta 4 or Developer Preview 5 on Pixel devices by . If you’re already enrolled in our Android Beta program, you’ll automatically get the Beta 4 update soon.

Method 2: As the above listed files are all Android P Factory Images, you will need to flash them using Fastboot Mode. If your device is already on the previous Beta 2, then you will receive an OTA update. You can still flash the factory images without wiping data. See below.

This trick will enable you to update Google Pixel devices to latest Android P Beta 4, provided, your Android device is already running the previous .

  1. Make sure your PC, MacBook, or Linux machine has ADB and Fastboot environment setup. You can use the . You may also download platform tools from to use adb and Fastboot interfaces. Download and extract it on the desktop.
  2. from developer option on your Android device.
  3. Download the latest Android P stock or factory image for your device from above.
  4. Extract the factory image to a folder where ADB and Fastboot is available or installed.
  5. Enter the extracted folder. You will see a batch file called ‘flash-all.bat’. This script is used to automate the flashing process.
  6. Now, download and install Notepad++ to your computer. As we don’t want to wipe data, we will sue the Notepad++ to edit the stock firmware image.
  7. Open the ‘flash-all.bat’ file with Notepad++; at the end of the text, remove ‘-w’ (it’s written without quotes) and save the file.
  8. Now, open a command prompt or terminal in the folder.
  9. Connect Android device to PC.
  10. Type in adb devices in cmd or terminal to ensure connectivity.
  11. Reboot into Bootloader mode. Type in the command adb reboot bootloader
  12. Now, simply run the ‘flash-all.bat’ file.

The flashing will start and device will reboot into Android P Beta 4.

For Mac OS/Linux execute the command ./ flash - all . sh and wait a few minutes.

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